These models are all custom made designs and inspired by different architectural styles. They start of as an initial sketch to get the shape and proportions, they are then developed into a more sophisticated and cleaner Pro-marker architectural drawing. During this stage, floor plans are made and the interior is designed. After this, the building is then replicated on a 3D design software and sliced into hundreds of layers, ready to be printed. The file is then sent over to the 3D printer and takes around 8 hours to complete, however due to the unreliable nature of 3D printing, it may not complete successfully on the first attempt.
Modern-rustic Norwegian house design:
This design was inspired by modern architecture I witnessed during my time in Norway, and in particular the buildings seen in Fornebu and Nesoddtangen that mix traditional rustic styles with ultra-modern architecture.

Once the drawing had been made, the next step was to translate this drawing into a 3D, printable design. This was done by starting off with a virtual cube and sculpting the correct angles and details from that initial cube. The printer then took about 7 hours to complete the final design.
This design also has a custom interior inspired by my hotel room in the Fornebu modern area of Oslo. This design started off with some initial home sketches and eventually into a more refined Pro-Marker drawing.

After this, I then used these designs, expanded them and modeled it digitally. I then created a cross-section model of the first floor. This is the final outcome of the 3D printed interior model to the Norwegian house:
Contemporary Australian House design:
This house was inspired by my time in Australia and in particular the modern suburban houses seen in Sydney and Melbourne. The design is also inspired by the eclectic homes seen across the USA. This is the initial drawing:
After, the design is them modeled and printed. I am pleased with the final outcome and think it fits with the modern Australian theme. If I were to have done this design differently I would have reduced the amount of free space in order to make it less bland. Here is the final model:
Modern Australian house design:
This is a custom, modern design based on the large, modern homes seen in Australia. This house is largely inspired by a mixture of houses in Rose bay and Seaforth in Sydney. I started off by sketching basic shapes and coming up with the general composition.
Once the general shape of the house had been achieved, partly inspired by the Statoil headquarters I had seen in Fornebu, Norway, I then looked at many of the details seen on these large Australian homes. I then used the details on the facades of these houses to inspire my own design and add them to the initial shape. This resulted in the design seen above. I then sculpted this on CAD and printed it into the final design seen below: